Electronics Recycling is Climate Friendly
In 2019, the amount of ewaste (electronics that have reached the end of their lifecycle) generated by all the nations on Earth reached a record 48.6 million tons.
And it’s only getting worse.
Ewaste is a problem for a number of reasons. Old electronics contain hazardous chemicals and metals that leak into the ground and water over time (or even enter the air if burned). When obsolete gear is thrown into a landfill, the environment is at risk.
That’s only one good reason why you should recycle your old electronics— here are a few more.
Conserve Natural Resources
Most people don’t know that many electronics contain some very rare natural resources in small quantities, like gold and other rare earth elements.
When you recycle your outdate electronics, you’re keeping these metals from disappearing into a landfill forever and you’re conserving precious, non-renewable, natural resources.
Another thing to consider is that, because of their scarcity, rare earth elements are significantly expensive to mine and refine out of the ground. One study found that mining copper, aluminum, and gold is 13 times more expensive than getting those same metals through the recycling of old electronics.
At the same time, China has control of rare earth elements the way Saudia Arabia controls oil. And no matter who is producing them, a lot of energy is expended to mine these metals, energy that ultimately increases our carbon footprint.
Altogether, that means electronics recycling is common sense for both Earth and the economy.
Recycled Electronics Can Still Serve Many
When old electronics are thrown into landfills, the chance for someone else being able to use those products —instead of buying something new— disappears.
For every computer, tablet, and phone that winds up in a landfill, more new electronics have to be manufactured to replace them, which means more greenhouse gases are emitted during the manufacturing process.
When you work with the electronics recycling pros at Protec, many of those old electronics you recycle can be put to new use and provide a less expensive alternative than buying new for schools, non-profits, charities and more. And if a new life is impossible for your discarded gear, you can be certain that Protec will keep all toxic materials out of landfills.
Ewaste recycling helps keep the environment green.
Schedule One-Time or Ongoing Ewaste Recycling Services
From one-time purges to regularly scheduled service, Protec helps you build a robust e-Waste recycling program. To schedule a pickup, call our office at 205-549-2120 or visit our Contact Us page today.